Saturday, 9 February 2013

abs exercise

CrunchesCrunches, which involve bringing the shoulders towards the hip, are the most common exercises for the rectus abdominis, also known as the 'six-pack.'Oblique Exercises
Ab exercises that involve rotation target the obliques - the muscles on either side of the abs, though they also involve the rectus abdominis as well. 
Core Exercises
These more advanced exercises involve not just the abs but the entire torso, as well as other muscles that help stabilize the body.   

Ball Crunches
Oblique Crunches
Ball Rollouts

ballroll1.jpg (120649 bytes)
Reverse Crunches
Wood Chops
Ball Pass
Jacknife Crunch
jacknife1.jpg (85033 bytes) 
Side Lifts
Knee Tucks

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