Saturday, 9 February 2013

shoulders exercise

Overhead Presses
Overhead presses work the major muscles of the shoulder, with a focus on the middle deltoid and tricep.  To do a basic overhead press, stand (or sit) holding weights with elbows bent and hands at eye level.  Push weight over head without arching the back and lower back to start.
Front, Side, Rear Raises
Front, side and rear raises target each part of of the shoulders as well as the upper back.  When doing shoulder raises, only lift the weight up to shoulder level.  When doing rear flies,  lead with the side of the hand and imagine you're making a smiley face as you lift the arms up.
Rotations/Upright RowsShoulder rotations work the rotator cuff and usually require smaller range of motion and light weight to avoid injury.  Upright rows work the middle deltoid as well as the upper back and bicep muscles.  If you have shoulder problems, you may want to avoid these exercises.
Overhead Press
Front Raise
External Rotation
Overhead Press with Dumbbells
Lateral Raise
Internal Rotation
Arnold Press
Rear Lateral Raise
Upright Rows

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