Saturday, 9 February 2013

biceps exercise

Biceps CurlsThe biceps curl is the most common exercise for the biceps.  To perform a basic curl, hold weights with palms facing out, elbows next to the body.  Bend the elbows and curl the weights toward the shoulders without moving the elbows.  Lower and repeat.Concentration and Preacher Curls
The concentration curl and the preacher curl are variations on traditional curls.  By placing your arms at an angle, you'll work the biceps in a different way and add new level of intensity to the exercise. 
Hammer Curls
Hammer curls are similar to regular curls, except the palms face in, which involves a bit more forearm than traditional curls.  Turning the hands makes this move challenging; you may need lighter weights.   

Barbell Curls
Hammer Curls
bicephammer1.jpg (9634 bytes) bicephammer2.jpg (8932 bytes)
Dumbbell Curls
Incline Bicep Curls
Hammer Curls - One Leg
Cross-Body Curl with Bands
Preacher Curls

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